I post a ton of tips and rants on Facebook. However, some folks hate Facebook, I guess in light of the whole election hacking thing.

Or perhaps they’re just annoyed by those Cliffhanger Status Updates:

“Some people are so rude. You know how you are and one day you’re really gonna get it!”


“Had good news today. Super stoked. Can’t wait to share. Ask me about it. I won’t answer but the attention makes me feel good.”

I’ll keep it simple and drama-free.

Mini-cuts can work. But make it worth your while, which means going as low in calories as you realistically can. 

The short duration (six weeks at the most) means you will be done before real physiological adaptations occur.

In other words, you won’t “loose” muscle. 

This way you can get back to building muscle, faster. And muscle solves a lot of physique problems. 

Most non-competitors diet way too long, way too often.


People lecture their children about how being popular isn’t important, it’s being a good a person, yadda yadda. 

And then curate a social media persona/brand built entirely around likes, shares, and “going viral.”

That’s some fake shit. And your kids can see it. They see everything. 


If you don’t know how many grams of protein you eat a day, it’s probably not enough. If you don’t know how many calories you eat a day, it’s probably too many.


Watch for logical assumptions used in place of facts to sell a narrative.

“I train fasted because cavemen did.”

A) What’s your evidence? Cave drawings?

B) cavemen didn’t train, they fought to survive to age 30.

Doesn’t mean your plan won’t work. Just skip the mythology.

By the way, this longing to live like a caveman only makes sense if you believe The Flintstones was a documentary.


Before you begin a set, look at your log book and see what your numbers were (reps/load) last workout so you have a target to beat. 

But that’s just the beginning. Next, ask yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish here?”

“Where am I supposed to feel this?”

“Is there anything special about this exercise in terms of technique I that I should really key in on?”

Thats the difference between working out and training. 


Injuries happen. But often when people blow a wheel or tear their rotator cuff they not only quit exercising, they quit the program entirely. Healthy diet, good habits, daily rhythm, all out the window. 

“Why bother? I can’t make progress anyway. Might as well unplug and really hit it once I’m healed.”

I say do the opposite. When you break down on one end is when you double down on the other. 

Channel the focus & intensity you normally put into lifting into shopping, cooking, meal prep, tracking, or a dozen other related things.

So then when you’re healthy, you simply shift the focus dial back towards training. Except now you’ll have some freshly-sharpened diet skills to help make your return that much smoother. And make you that much better.

Stay engaged. 


Listening to a podcast between a couple fellow meatheads and one of them went off on a rant about how much he hated small talk. 

To the point that he avoided the usual small-talk friendly outings; where one could find themselves trapped in a corner with a stranger and forced to chat about the weather or the Raptors run. 

“I just wanna talk about stuff that matters,” said the meathead.

Okay, thats such bullshit. 

So you’d prefer a total stranger just opened up and shared their hopes and struggles? Or worse, grilled you about yours?

Of course not. That level of intimacy is precious, so we don’t share it with just anyone. We earn it from one another, with those we hope are worthy, which we determine through a form of psychological courting called: small talk. 

Fact is, when you hate “small talk” what you’re really saying is you just wanna talk about your interests. 

You just wanna talk about YOU.